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Due to the current pandemic situation, we have decided to cancel club meetings for March and April.  When we return to school we may not have time to gather necessary materials, therefore we are canceling all club meetings for this school year.  All camp registrations are postponed at this time. Please check our website or Facebook for more information. or

Thank you for your patience as we work through this process.

2019-2020 Hangouts


JH Hangouts & Meetups

As our girls graduated to junior high, they also began getting more involved in extra-curricular (band, drill, sports...) - it began being difficult for them to be involved in after-school activities.

We tried several options, but wound up with a formula that we think works!  Junior High girls have Hangouts and Meetups on 6 Saturday mornings during the school year for more comprehensive workshops.  This allows us to offer different options for the girls every year so there aren't any repeated sessions while they are in Junior High.

Their Hangouts & Meetups last 2-3 hours and focus on key concepts in STEM.  For instance last year, they had a workshop on robotics, spa chemistry and dissection.

Although Saturdays are busy too, we have found this works best for our 7th and 8th grade girls!


Follow us on FB and Twitter at @SMARTgirlsWYLIE

Join our REMIND group at @smartjh

For more info on REMIND, Click on: 

Below are the offerings for the 2019-2020 school year.  Registration will open for  Hangups at the beginning of the semester - you may register for all clubs for the semester, a few at a time or just one at a time - be listening at school and watching FB, Twitter and Remind for details.  You may register online and pay by credit card or by dropping off a check with the sponsor at your school.

Register Here!

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